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Two files

I was shooting with two cameras today and ended up with over a thousand shots.  Too many to face editing.  I've several shoots from the last month that I've not looked through.  I can see how photographers just take photographs in the end and let the editing go.  Winogrand being most famous for this, leaving behind him millions of images he'd never even looked at.  He was just a photographing machine.  That engagement, sense of productivity has more appeal than the toil of deciding which frames work - though I think it takes years and years of making and looking at final images till you start to be able to grasp what translates from the stuff that is out there through the camera into a flat image. Then you just get on and shoot, knowing what you're working with.

The W380 digicam and the R1 produce very different looking files.  Each has its pros and cons. In bright light anyway I'd be happy enough using the small sensor digicam in place of a larger sensor bulky camera, and the 16:9 format is really growing on me.  In poor light, nope.